Biorhythm 1984

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Biorhythm Theory and Practice

The theory states that from birth to death each of us is influenced by three internal cycles -- the physical, the emotional, and the intellectual. The physical cycle is 23 days long. It affects a broad range of physical factors, including resistance to disease, strength, coordination, speed, physiology, other basic body functions, and the sensation of physical well-being. The emotional cycle governs creativity, sensitivity, mental health, mood, perceptions of the world and of ourselves, and to some degree, the sex of children conceived during different phases of the cycle. It takes 28 days to come full circle. The intellectual cycle regulates memory, alertness, receptivity to knowledge, and the logical or analytical functions of the mind. It takes place over a 33 day period.

On the day of birth, each of the cycles starts at a neutral baseline or zero point. From there, it begins to rise in a positive phase, during which the energies and abilities associated with each cycle are high. Gradually the cycles decline and cross the zero point midway through their periods at 11 1/2 days, 14 days and 16 1/2 days. Now each cycle is in a negative phase in which energies are recharged and our physical, emotional, and intellectual capabilities are somewhat diminished. We pick up increasing amounts of energy as the negative phase continues until each cycle crosses the zero point into the positive phase. The whole process begins again.

They cross the baseline at exactly the same time only every 58 years plus 67 or 68 days. Therefore, we are usually influenced by mixed rhythm. We have up days, down days, and a good many in-between days.

Our weakest and most vulnerable moments are not those of the negative phases. The critical days are when each cycle crosses from positive to negative or vice versa. At these times we can expect ourselves to be in the most danger. The rhythms that we regularity depend on become unstable at these critical days.

Critical days can be very important. On physically critical days, we are most likely to have accidents, catch colds, and suffer all types of bodily harm, including death. Quarrels, fights. depressions, and senseless frustration are typical of emotionally critical days. When the intellectual rhythm is at the critical point, then expect bad judgment, difficulty in expressing things clearly, and a general resistance to learning anything new or remembering what we already know.

By studying your biorhythms in advance, you can plan your days and avoid the worst. Planning for critical days can be significant in life as these days make up only 20% of the days of your life. Try to set the new records on days when all three cycles are near their peaks, as you have as much energy and ability as possible.

With a birth date, the compatibilities of anyone can be calculated. The percent of time you are physically in tune, emotional on the same level and intellectually similar; can explain why they get on your nerves, never see eye to eye, or whatever. If you are emotionally compatible with someone, you and that person will experience good moods and bad moods during the same times. Incompatibility would be where you are crabby while they are happy and vice versa. If you are not intellectually compatible, you will be seriously trying to concentrate or get a point across while the other is flighty and uncommunicative and vice versa. Research shows people generally get along best when they have a high or low at the same times. People with divergent compatibilities can get along provided that each is willing and able to deal with confrontations. In a minority of cases, individuals actually prefer opposites and will get along quite well with someone having drastically different biorhythm cycles.

Thanks goes to Bernard Gittelson for writing the book, "BIO-RHYTHM A Personal Science".